Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Smart-Tamp™ Update - Review and Production Status

Randy Glass at espressomyespresso.com wrote a very detailed review on the Smart-Tamp: http://www.frcndigital.com/coffee/smarttamp.html

It has been an interesting last few months. We've rolled in all the upgrades listed in the last post plus more. Getting production up and running has been challenging but rewarding and we're always excited to hear customers' feedback. We are satisfying orders now and will be increasing our inventory in the coming months. We sneak design improvements into every production run which means the Smart-Tamp™ is continually improving.

We had originally planned on attending SCAA 2014 in Seattle this year but decided to keep our nose to the production grindstone. We're sad to miss it, especially considering all the fun and awesome people we met last year in Boston. For all of you attending this year, have a blast!

Matt and George